Wednesday, July 30, 2008

rules to live by

I got this as a forward, and it's so nice I had to share. Add your own in the comments field! :)


ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their
conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you

FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.

FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.

SIX.. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams
don't have much.

NINE Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the
only way to live life completely.

TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer,
smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve
great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say 'God bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for
others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps
to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in
your voice.

TWENTY-ONE Spend some time alone.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

add this to the list of things I never thought I'd do...

I woke up at 6AM to meet my friends at 6:45 so we could go drive into the mountains by 7:30 to ride bikes up a mountain pass. And by ride bikes I mean RIDE OUR BICYCLES. UP. A MOUNTAIN.

It took us two hours to get up about thirteen and a half miles. We started at 7850 feet, climbed to 11024. Yeah, that's 3675 feet higher than when we started. Holy schnikees! I was pretty happy with my average speed of 6.7MPH - not bad for my first try!

So yeah, two hours to get up and a whole twenty-four minutes to get DOWN. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! It was actually a lot more fun than I had thought it would be and I am so glad I did it!

I love living in Colorado. It's the best place on earth.


See what we rode here on I love this website!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Are we on TV?

I meant to post this a while ago. I am slammed these days, but I sent a friend the following email... someday I'm going to write a book and it will be called "Yep, That Really Happened!"


So I totally missed you yesterday. I went up to The Future 'Hood for the weekend - which of course is always COMPLETELY awesome! It was a friend's 40th birthday - her hubby gave her a Rolex so now they are Mr. and Mrs. Rolex. They live right on the creek, and they threw a big party at their house Saturday night. It sort of ran over into Sunday... which I think was intentional. Sunday morning we all had bagels, mimosas, bloody marys... then they decided we should go tubing on the creek, since it was such a beautiful day (as it always is in CO!!)

Now everyone on their street has these great big inner tubes, like the truck tires, but they are covered with canvas so they have a bottom to them and handles. They're pretty sweet. Well after a couple floats down the creek (which is only about 150 yards or so) someone decided we should take the tubes over to the big river - the Roaring Fork, which is not huge but is a pretty big river, about 50-75 feet wide. Everyone is game for "the float." Mr. Rolex shuttled his 4Runner downstream a couple miles for transport back to the house after our little river trip.

So there were eleven people, six of us are carrying these tubes and then we had two big rafts - not as big as rafting rafts, but the duckies if you know what they are. We looked pretty ridiculous traipsing across all this acreage with these inflatable toys on our heads, shoulders, etc. Fifteen minutes later, we get up to the river and it is MOVING. I mean, it was so high... I was kinda scared. Which of course here in LizLand means I should just do it. :)

We decided one raft with two people would go up front to lead the way, and then Mr. and Mrs. Rolex would be in the raft at the back in case anyone got in trouble, and the rest of us were in our own tubes. We all put in and shoved off - and ladies and gents, it didn't matter how hard you held onto your hat - there was a wild ride a-comin'!!!

First of all, the river was so freaking fast (I think I said that already!) Then it was a WHOLE lot of work to keep yourself going the right way, like NOT into the big water.... you were sitting in the tube on your back and had to paddle like crazy with your arms, so it was a workout (something I always love). Lady H flipped over pretty quickly and she lost her tube. She got kinda banged up before Lord grabbed her and they rode down together until Mr. and Mrs. Rolex could paddle over to them. They took Lady in the raft, and Lord actually got out of the river in case any of the rest of us got into trouble.

Well I was next to go for a swim! I was worried about Lady and not watching the river (yes, I do know better), so I got too far over to the side with the big water... and then couldn't paddle myself out, so tried to just ride it out... no such luck. I went over but didn't lose hold of my tube and was able to pop back onto it pretty quickly.

Then about ten minutes after that, it happened AGAIN!! [Must... stop... looking at scenery... pay attention.... to big rapids....] Only that time, I couldn't pull myself back on the tube because I was stuck in some big water which was really freaking scary and my heart was going like 900 bpm. !!!! BUT I was finally able to kick myself over to the side of the river and stand up, regroup and get situated back on the tube. I pushed off again and this time there was no more cloud watching, just paddling myself down the right parts of the river.

It was CRAZY. We have had so much snow this year and the river was running so high, we had no business being on that river in tubes. But MAN we had a good time, and I totally thought of you because it completely felt like something we would have gotten into (though maybe you wouldn't have because of your other raft experience... I don't know). It was really freaking fun.

Oh and the funniest part - we got out of the river just past Mr. Rolex's 4Runner. Well here comes Lord, rolling up on the back of a lawn tractor. One of the grounds keepers from the golf course gave him a ride down to us. He was super nice, and even gave Lady a ride to the 4Runner (we had overshot it just a bit and she had lost her shoe in her swim).

Once at the car, we deflated one of the rafts and one of the guys sat up front with it on his lap. We put three tubes in the back, then three guys on the tailgate holding three more tubes, and then the other raft (which couldn't be deflated) was up on the top of the car. There were four of us on the middle seat of the car, and the last guy had to ride ON THE HOOD of the car. We were only going like three miles through the ranch to get back to the house but MY GOD we looked so redneck... it was hysterical.

Well, about halfway back to the house, that same groundskeeper Lord had ridden with was standing in the road in front of us and his trusty lawn tractor was on the side of the road. Mr. Rolex slowed down, I was sure the guy was going to tell us we were totally illegal, he can't let us pass like that, etc. So Mr. Rolex asks him what's going on and the guy says:

"You know how one hand washes the other? I'm out of gas... can I get a ride?"

And this is the point where Mrs. Rolex says "Are we on TV? Seriously! You can't make this stuff up!"

So he hopped on the hood, too!!! Twelve people, six inner tubes and two rafts on the car... completely ridiculous!!!! (There must be some song about stuff like this, somewhere!)

But yeah, just another lovely Sunday in Colorado. Man I love it here!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

tastes like lemon juice!

I'm bitter. Which kind of goes along with "Liz is ridiculous" because really when you look at my life, I have nothing to be bitter about. Hm, sugar, maybe that's what I need! Lend me some sugah! I am yo' neighbah! But yeah, it's official. Ginger Spice, The P and P's new man all said it and I think they are right.

On the flip side, though, I got some sweet (free) arm warmers today and apparently they make me look like a superhero. And I'm riding to work tomorrow, which of course automatically turns me into Wonder Woman for the day.

Ahhhh, this too shall pass. Honest. Hell, I'm going shopping for my mountain house this weekend, so how bad can it be? I'm off to go figure out how to make lemonade....

Monday, July 07, 2008

Anger is kind of like lightning. There is a whole lot of power and energy there, and if you could just harness it you’d really have something. But generally it’s extremely dangerous and if it strikes in the wrong place, lives will be lost.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I can't believe I like triathlons as much as I do! So I've been thinking I should try a half Ironman - not this year, but next. For those of you who are not tri geeks (which is pretty much everyone I know with the exception of my boss’s nephew) a half Ironman is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run, in that order. Half Ironmans are also called 70.3’s because the distance you cover is… ta-dah… 70.3 miles. (Clever, eh?)

Anyhow I needed to find one toward the end of summer, since I can't give up SKI SEASON to train for the damn thing. Well, lo and behold, there is one that looks awesome (!!!) and is only about 45 mins from The Establishment North!!!! YEAH! Check it out:

If I had any spare vacation I would do the aqua-bike for this race this year. (Aqua-bike is just the swim and the bike parts.) But I have no more days off, so next year it is. I want to do the whole thing anyhow so it's better that I have all the extra time to train up for the running part!

So the question is… who wants to go to Vermont at the end of next summer?


Oh and since we are on the subject of triathlon, here's a pic of Slug and I after the Dunedin Sprint race last month: