Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ten Things I Like About Me

I got a cup of tea from the Evil Empire across the street. The cup has little quotes on it. Usually I don't even notice them but today I read the one printed on the cup. It's by Deepak Chopra.

"The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe."

So on that note, I decided that there's a lot about me that I really, really like. And there are a lot of times when I can't remember a single thing about myself I like at all. Now is not one of those times, so for future reference, I'm outlining some of the reasons in case I need a refresher.

Ten Things I Like About Me

1. I am a good friend, according to every single one that I have.
2. I can do anything. Maybe not all by myself, but if that's the case, I know when to ask for help and in the end, I get it done.
3. I lost 30 pounds eighteen months ago, and I've kept the weight off since then.
4. I can learn things quickly, whether it's how to make killer chocolate chip cookies, how to drive a stick-shift car or how to start an entirely new career.
5. I'm innovative. Not in the "I'm-going-to-design-the-space-shuttle" sense, more like the "let's-put-all-the-paper-next-to-the-copier-instead-of-in-a-closet-down-the-hall" sense.
6. I'm in good shape. Thanks to Hot Bill and all my efforts through him, I have pretty decent muscles, and I'm a competitive triathlete!
7. I really enjoy life. Even the bad stuff, I just learn from it for the next time. But over all, I feel like I really live my life, and that's a great quality in anyone.
8. I have great hair. This is mostly due to the magic of Spencer at Studio 305.
9. I have lovely blue eyes, courtesy of Mom and Dad.
10. I'm an optimist. I like this quality in myself. I have my down days, but overall, the glass is half full and I see things through rose-colored glasses, and I like that I'm like that!

So there they are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a good post, Liz. Really nice.


3:21 PM  

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