SuperBoss took The Grouper Crew out to lunch today. Indie and I no longer work for SuperBoss, and neither does The Nemesis, but SuperBoss insisted we all join him and his current employees for his 70th birthday lunch. Yes, you read that right, SuperBoss took all of
us out for
his birthday lunch. (Why do you think I call him SuperBoss?)
So anyhow past and present members of the Grouper Crew caught up while atop the Sundial Restaurant. We enjoyed the reunion only slightly more than the fantastic view of the city and the outstanding food. Half the crew ordered Reubens - liking Reuben sandwiches is a qualification for working at Grouper's. Everyone else ordered crab sandwiches. The Nemesis and I were the outliers, I ordered the trout and the Nemesis opted for the turkey sandwich. Neither the Nemesis nor I was able to finish our lunch. (I'm sure I could have, but I stuck to my BFL guns which dictate smaller meals. Yay, me.) Since our food had been so tasty, we both asked to take the unfinished parts with us.
After lunch everyone went back to the Grouper office for cake. It was entirely too soon before we all had to go our separate ways. SuperBoss gave giftbags with a small bottle of champagne to take with us. (Yes, he gave US presents. Again, proof of the fact he is SuperBoss.) I picked up my little white bag of leftover goodness from the Sundial, said my goodbyes and walked back to my office. As soon as I got there I went straight to the breakroom to put my fish in the fridge. I pulled the box out of the bag and thought it was an awfully small container, but I figured they must have cut the fillet to fit inside. Just to check, I opened the box... and I found the other half of The Nemesis' turkey sandwich. Well hey, that will work for me for lunch tomorrow too, I thought, and placed the box in the refrigerator.
A little while later I was distracted from my work with emails about the afternoon's events. I'm just going to post them verbatim:
Cassiopeia writes everyone:
Thanks for coming guys – I think [SuperBoss] really enjoyed himself. It was a nice reunion. Let’s do it again soon!!I reply to all:
No problem… I had fun too. Hey Dan, enjoy my fish. I’ve got your turkey samich. :)The Nemesis replies to all:
I GAVE A HOMELESS DUDE A TURKEY SANDWICH which of course is really a freshwater fish. Poor guy. Hope he likes fish. He probably thinks I'm an a**hole for asking if he likes turkey and then giving him a half eaten fish. later...Yep, it's just damn funny.