Someone told me I was lucky to be surrounded by such fantastic people in my life. They're half correct. I have friends and family who are such models of humanity and friendship that I pretty much go to sleep each night with a smile on my face as I think about how wonderful they are. But the fact that they are in my life and that I'm surrounded by great people has absolutely NOTHING to do with luck.
My brother and sister are without a doubt my best friends. We went through plenty of fun things and terrible things together as we grew up, and whether we liked it or not, we were always there with each other. Today in our late twenties, we don't live in the same town but we are all still just as close as we were while we were growing up. We wouldn't have it any other way because we realize that through it all, we weren't just there with each other, but we were there FOR each other. We all know that no matter what happened or how bad things got, we'd be there for each other and help each other out. We also know that the most fun we ever have is the times we are laughing together, and we try to create opportunities for that to happen as often as possible. We are friends because we choose to be friends.
My friends today are the same way. Each of us meet new people every day - and that is pretty much a chance event. But it takes years to form friendships, and mine are no accident. I cultivate relationships with these people I want in my life. I learn from them and become a better person by being with them, and in some way I enrich their lives as well. I support them if they need it, and I know I can lean on them when things get rough for me. Luck is something that only exists in gambling, and a good friendship is not a gamble. You work at it and you find it through the laughter and tears that unite you with people.
I love my friends. I would do anything for any one of them because I know that they would do the same for me. I thoroughly enjoy being around them, they show me new sides to life and help me change my negative behaviors. They laugh with me, they cry with me, as I do with them. My friends are the reason I'm alive, they are the reason I get out of bed in the morning, and the reason I know I'm never alone. I do whatever I can for them, and they always surprise me with their thoughtfulness and appreciation for me.
It is by chance that Slug Brother is my brother and The Rockette is my sister. It is by chance that I met Indie, Two Seat, The Mexican, The Mack, The Little Indian - and everyone else in my life. But chance has nothing to do with the reason I am surrounded by all these fantastic people, it's because I choose to be around them and nurture the friendship. Luck is something that appears at the Blackjack tables. My friendships and the wonderful people in my life are a result of my own efforts to be wonderful to them and to keep them in my life.