Friday, September 30, 2005

Tooth Fairy Receives Respite from OSHA

Due to rules that require dental offices to dispose of all human tissue, the Tooth Fairy no longer has to worry about collecting wisdom teeth. Citizens may be disappointed that they can't keep their teeth after having them removed by a professional, but this move by OSHA will allow the Tooth Fairy to remain in business longer. It is unclear whether the Tooth Fairy was involved directly in OSHA's rule-making process. One thing is for certain: she is far richer than she was before the rule was made.

While no one is certain of her age, we are all aware of how time works, and it works the same for her too. As she ages it is probably much harder for her to keep up her current level of activity. By cutting her workload so significantly, OSHA is indirectly helping prolong the life of the Tooth Fairy's empire. Sacrificing a visit from the Tooth Fairy is a small price for adults to pay so that she may continue bringing happiness to children as they lose their precious teeth.

(The Tooth Fairy could not be reached for comment.)


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