Sunday, August 17, 2008

I have THE BEST Mom!

I love my mom. She is the best woman in the world. She does cool little things for me (and for everyone!) Here's her latest Proof of Awesomeness:

I came home Saturday morning from my tri (more on that later) and in the mailbox was a big manila envelope addressed to me, from my mom. I opened up the envelope to find a white t-shirt with this cute little drawing on it of a paddle, bike and hiking boots. Below the drawing it said "Diversified Portfolio."

Is my mom awesome or WHAT!?!? She definitely knows how to make her daughter's day!!

And since I know you read this, Mom... I miss you, I love you, and I am convinced you are THE BEST MOM. EVER!!!!! :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

brown paper packages

tied up with string... you know where this is going. I need a list of good stuff.

* Slug and The Rockette
* brownies
* riding my bike
* flowers!
* sweet tea
* the mountains
* azalea bushes
* The Flying Biscuit
* the olympics!
* New Roomie (a straight guy) saying Michael Phelps is a good reason to get out of bed
* P saying it would suck to be a gymnast because of the calluses (sp) on your hands (can you tell we are watching the olympics)
* witches brew
* jumping into the Poultney River
* Taboo
* gamay rouge
* my bike
* Bruce Springsteen!!!
* blueberry pancakes
* campfires
* Katie the Wonderdog
* por una cabeza (I think that's the name - a tango song)
* Edward Spencerhands
* Miss Grits
* Ginger Spice
* Red Rocks
* my violin (which could use some... uh... USE)

OK I think I can get out of bed in the morning, now. :)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

a little zen for you

I got this in an email forward. Loved it. (For me, it's God, for you, it may be Ganesh, Allah, the universe, etc.)


I believe God answers prayer in one of three ways:

1) Yes.
2) Not yet.
3) I have something better in mind.