Monday, July 16, 2012

It Begins

This morning I did my first swim workout in preparation for this HALF IRONMAN TRIATHLON that I want to sign up for.

I think I'm crazy. But I like crazy.

There are 16 weeks until the race. I have a VERY busy 16 weeks ahead and I really have no idea whether I will be able to stick to the training plan, but it is my FULL INTENTION to do so. Working out helps keep my stress level down, and stress management is pretty key for me keeping any friendships, my marriage and any professional relationships in tact! So if nothing else, the activity will keep me a little more sane and that is definitely a good thing.

I swam 1200m this morning and I have felt like a rock star all day because a) I did a morning workout! and b) I GOT IN THE POOL! Yippee! I left my house at 6:15 and was at work 2 hours later. Not bad.

I'm going to give myself a little leeway, here - I haven't signed up for the race yet, I'll see what happens between now and August 8th (my big work deadline). But yesterday (Sunday) as I was working, all day, I decided I'd make training for this tri a priority, so today it begins.