I am so THANKFUL...
For my awesome boyfriend.
For my fabulous mother. I have the best mom! She laid the foundations for me to be a thoughtful and responsible adult (things I am constantly working on).
For the opportunity to have worked and learned so much at my old company.
For my ability to see the good - even if it takes some real searching - in any situation and all people.
For my wonderful sister who has become the best friend and ally.
For my best friend who still calls me at midnight on my birthday (her time!)
For having friends who find it as amusing as I do to run races dressed in ridiculous costumes.
For my perfectly healthy, working, disease-and-pain-free body.
For my brother, who never ceases to make me laugh and helps out my mom in ways her other kids can't.
For good friends, those here in Colorado or living far away, they stay with me wherever I go. I truly cherish whatever time I get to spend in their company, even if it's only for 2 hours every 2 years.
For my dad, who taught me everything I needed to know in order to come out of this whole life thing OK. (Even if some of those lessons were on how NOT to follow his example!!)
Just thought it might be nice to acknowlege the things I am truly thankful for. :)