Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the dangers of working from home

So I'm on this fabulous project where the client actually *prefers* that we work off-site. Since we no longer have a company office, this means we get to work from home the weeks we are not at the client. It's my week to stay local.

My general routine when I am working from home is this: wake up. Fill tea kettle and put it on the stove. Turn stove on. Go check emails client sent after 10PM last night. (3, today.) Begin to draft answers to emails but DO NOT SEND until after you have had your tea!

So this morning was no different, standard procedure. Got tea kettle in order, began to check emails. One of the emails had a very specific question which would require a lengthy response... so I began to create my detailed answer. In the middle of my very descriptive reply, I hear the whistle for the tea go off... can't finsih email but must finish this sentence... still whistling... almost done... tea kettle is going to blow a gasket (literally!!!) OK sentence is finished! Jump out of chair and WHAM - knock yourself out on the chair next to you.

I so wish I were kidding about this. But you all know me so well, you know I'm not.

If you have been to my house, you know we have dining room chairs that are made primarily of wrought iron - and it was the top iron knob on the chair next to me that was the aggressor. Should you run into one of our iron chairs, it is not going anywhere - YOU ARE. And I did!

I seriously thought I had split my eye open with the wave of heat and pain that shot up my face to the top of my skull. I stumbled into the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel to put to my face before I really started to freak out- I wanted to see how much blood was involved and whether or not I'd be in need of a trip to the local clinic for stitches. Not a lot of blood, good! Swelling, though, was immediate. Thank goodness I put it on ice right away, because I already had a marble sized bump beneath my eye. And the cut - well, it wound up being a measely 1/4 inch long, you'd think for that amount of pain I'd get something more than a little knick out of it!

But I'm fine, honestly. No claims to put in to worker's comp for injury on the job. All I can say is - who does this? Me, of course!! :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

in the past week (or so)...

I have:

- gone to an impromptu dinner party in Chicago
- attended Slug Brother's wedding in Florida
- made 2 necklaces
- delivered technical training to 60 end users
- eaten sushi twice
- been in 3 different time zones
- bought a plane ticket to Southern California
- bought 2 toothbrushes (Mr. Blueberry Pancakes is rubbing off on me!)
- lost the 2 toothbrushes I bought (Mr. BP is really rubbing off on me!)
- decided not to move out of my house
- gotten calls from THREE recruiters for a new job!
- watched a bobcat stalk and devour a squirrel in my mom's back yard

Wonder what the next week will bring...