Waking the Dead (Reversed)
So this is going to sound nutsy - but I swear it happened.
Last week I was working ALL WEEK like crazy (and I still am, I'm just here blogging to procrastinate - or further my denial of how much I have to do). Anyhow. I had gotten about 4-5 hours of sleep every night last night, faithfully waking up from my Heavenly Bed at the Westin to the alarm that rang each morning at 5:45AM. I was - somehow - maintaining my workout schedule through my work insanity.
Well, Friday morning I had to get up slightly earlier for a 7:30AM meeting. So I reset my alarm for 5:15AM so that I wouldn't miss my workout. Friday was going to be Legs Day, my lower body lift, my favorite workout day.
At 5:02AM Friday morning I know I heard my uncle Bob in my hotel room. I just know it was him. And I think he was telling my dad "look, you can wake her up, and you'd better wake her up because she'll be pissed if she misses Legs Day. And she needs Legs Day to get in shape for skiing!" I am not kidding, I swear this is what happened. Or maybe I dreamed it, or maybe I imagined it. Who knows?
But here's the weird part: I did not actually turn my alarm on the night before! I looked at the clock Friday morning at 5:02AM, and saw that I had not turned the alarm on after resetting it! And you want me to think that after a week of exhaustion I just happened to wake up in time to work out? Hmmmm... unlikely. I believe the Dead Guys woke me. :)