Happy Valentine's Day
I've had a few good Valentine's Days in my past. My mom was always big into hearts and candy on Valentine's Day and always made us feel very loved. In general I took her approach and used the day to show my friends and family my affection for them and for our friendship. I always gave out valentine cards, even in college. I made dinner for all my single friends, I joined my 'coupled' friends for parties. Valentine's Day is - and always will be - about sharing the love in my life with those I love.
My childhood best friend, Swanky, was gorgeous and she *always* had a boyfriend. I remember being so jealous when we were young that she would get flowers and candy from whichever guy she was dating. But there was one Valentine's Day - the year we were 15 - when she was single. I think Valentine's Day must have been on a Friday that year... she and I went and played tennis after school, then after we cleaned up her mom made us dinner and we went out to a pool hall. It was one of my most memorable and fun Valentine's Days.
Unlike Swanky, I *never* had a boyfriend growing up, and certainly no one to appreciate the day with as far as romance goes. When I finally did have boyfriends on Valentine's Day, they lived in different towns and weren't really that romantic in the first place. I was older, too, and having grown up without boyfriends on Valentine's Day, lack of romance from existing boyfriends didn't bother me. I remember being happy that one guy even acknowledged the day by saying "oh, happy Valentine's Day" in the middle of one of our run-of-the-mill phone conversation. It was more than he had done the year before.
Irony strikes here in 2007. It is the first year I have a boyfriend who lives in the same town and who I am TRULY excited to spend Valentine's day and share romance with. I had no idea what to do for a guy for Valentine's Day, but I have been so excited thinking about it. I could not wait! And then... my boss calls... and there is a big possibility that I will be in NYC, leaving the morning of February 14th. AAACK!!! NO!!!! I love my job... but.... I wanted a Valentine's Day with the BF! Not that I wanted to do anything major, but I like all the hearts and flowers and candy and I was so excited to share it with him!
Well, The Beef decided that we would do Valentine's Day on Monday. It is after all, just a day, so we could make it whatever day we wanted - and Monday it was. He made reservations at an awesome restaurant near my house and picked me up (rose in hand!) at 7. We had the perfect night together. It was everything I could have ever hoped to share with him for Valentine's Day. I have the best boyfriend. :)
Tomorrow is the *actual* Valentine's Day and my boss confirmed yesterday that I will be leaving for NYC in the morning. I will probably be spending the evening with one of my best friends, which goes right along with my "share the love with those you love" theme for the day.
I hope everyone who reads this has a happy Valentine's Day.
Friends of mine, know you are in my thoughts and that I am grateful for the ways you enrich my life. I hope all of you enjoy much love and happiness, not only on the 14th day of February but every day you are alive.
Happy Valentine's Day.