Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy Little Survey

I do these random surveys all the time, mostly for my own enjoyment... but I want to save this one because as I answered it, I realized I'm the happiest I've ever been... and it is good to have something to reflect on when I'm not-so-happy. So here it is: -- 1. What bill do you hate paying the most? rent. I should be paying a mortgage. Next year, I will be. 2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? outside under the stars by a fire 3. Last time you Puked from Drinking? wow I don't even remember. Maybe about 4 years ago when Coolia and I had those appletinis at Loca Luna? 4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar? ha ha I don't need to be drunk to dance on the bar... 5. What was the name of your first grade teacher? Mrs. Stein--  6. What do you really want to be doing right now? uh - riding my bike around Lake Dillon and over to Breckenridge 7. What did you want to be when you were growing up? an architect. Maybe an actress, too... 8.How many colleges did you attend before you settled on the one you graduated from? Tech all the way. LORD KNOWS HOW!! 9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now? it didn't need ironing! 10. Gas Prices! First Thought??? glad I don't own a car! 11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you where would you go and with who? I'd move to Paris with Indie. The Rockette and Slug Brother would have to come, too. I'd also move to San Francisco... again, The Rockette and Slug Brother would have to come. But Slug Brother is never leaving FL... 12. First Thought When the alarm went off this morning? wow, how am I awake before the alarm?? 13. Last thought before Falling asleep last night? uh... dunno... prolly something about work. 14. Favorite style of Underwear? TMI but anyone who knows me knows my answer to this question.... 15. Favorite style of Underwear for the opposite sex? The Fireman's ManPanties. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight... actually, I LOVE the boxer-briefs. (I'm more the boxers type.) 16. What Errand/Chore do you despise? taking out the trash! 17. If you didn't have to work would you? yes. I love my job. I'd probably just do it half-time, though. 18. Get up early or sleep in? get up early! more time outside while it's daylight!! 19. Your Favorite Cartoon Character? never thought of this... prolly a Disney one?  20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy? chat. 21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing? uh, I am currently addicted to McDonald's soft-serve vanilla ice cream cones. 22. What was your First Car? 1988 Living Room Couch on Wheels. YIPES. 23. Best 'Your Mama' joke? Your mama is so fat that she has high risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and stroke. AND THAT AIN'T NO JOKE. (Stealing that answer!!) 24. Your Favorite Lunch Meat? salami, if I can get over the unhealthy factor. :) 25. What do you get everytime you go into a WAWA? WAWA!!!!! I love WAWA. Just a coffee. 26. Beach Or Lake? depends on my mood, but generally I prefer the ocean. 27. Do you think Marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20? no. I just think it takes a lot more effort and patience than most people realize or are willing to devote to it. 28. Who do you Stalk on myspace? I am not yet a myspace stalker... though I do frequent Baton Bob's page often b/c the pics make me happy! 29. Favorite Guilty Pleasure? shopping and BUYING. 30. Favorite Movie you wouldnt want anyone to find out about? oh everyone knows I like crazy girlie movies with Mandi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, whoever. 31. What's your drink? hm. Lately, just red wine! Generally a margarita on the rocks. Or vodka tonic. 32. Cowboys or Indians? cowboys. But the real question is... DONKEYS OR MIDGETS? 33. Cops or Robbers? Cops. Gotta love those men in uniform. :) 34. Do you cheer for the bad guy? not usually, unless he clearly has a heart of gold and is trying to become the good guy. 35. What Hollywood star do you think resembles you best? well, none, but I've been told Lisa Marie Presley (which makes sense since my dad looks like Elvis) Kim Bassinger and Uma Thurman. YEAH RIGHT on those last 2. I don't think I look too much like anyone famous, though. 36. If you had to pick one which cast member of Lost would you be? I think I'm the only person in the world who does not know any characters from Lost. 37. What do you want when you are sick? someone around to take care of me. Witches Brew (hot water, honey and lemon, with a little whiskey, too, if I'm coughing). 38. Who from High School would you like to run into? Josh because 10 years later he finds me here on myspace and tells me he had a crush on me back then, and I barely remember who he is... I would also love to run into The Drummer sometime! 39. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? uh, 92.5 The River here in Boston... 40. stiffler or oz? uh, I don't remember who Oz is, but Stiffler was a geek in the not-sexy way. 42. Norm or Cliff? Norm had the better outlook on life. 43. The Cosby Show or The Simpsons? Cosby 44. Worst Relationship Mistake that you wish you could take back? I don't want to take back the mistakes. When I lose, I don't lose the lesson. 45. Do you Like the Person who sits directly across from you at work? Hm. Well this week I'm sitting across from Anne-Marie, so yes I would say I like her very much! 46. If you could get away with it who would you kill? I'm a lover not a fighter. 47. What Famous person would you like to have dinner with, dead or alive? Bill Gates. I saw him on an interview and he really seems like an interesting guy. 48. What famous Person would you like to sleep with? I'm really not that kind of girl... but I wouldn't turn down an one night stand with Orlando Bloom *OR* Johnny Depp! And JOHN CORBETT - *OH* *MY* *GOSH* !!! 49. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? nope 50. Last book you read for real? I'm reading Devil in the White City. 51. Do you have a teddy bear? yep, a blue one from Lady B. He sits on my dresser and watches the apartment while I'm gone. 52. Strangest Place you have ever brushed your teeth? ? 53. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go? Napa 54. Number of texts in a day? I might get one per week. 55. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or relationship? uh... just started a new career and not much desire for a relationship at the moment.... but since I love the career, I'd have to say relationship! 56. Do you go to church? not regularly 57. Pencil or pen? purple pens 58. Describe your favorite Day? it involves being on a chairlift and lots of sunshine 59. How many jobs have you had? since graduating college: electrical design (1), industrial engineer (2), waitress (3), architecture/cad monkey (4), finance analyst (5), software training consultant (6) 60. What would be your "dream job"? I've kinda got it. Though I think I'd like to run my own health and wellness empire of some sort... Moxie Body on a global scale. :) And I'd love to own a successful restaurant. Run a ski resort. Play 1st chair violin for the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Et cetera. 61. What do you want to achieve in life? I want to stay happy. I want to help others get/be healthy. And someday far far away I want to be Wife and Mother of the Year with happy kids.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Psycho Dog...

I love my mom more than anyone, but at least I am able to function without her. Clearly this is not the case with our family dog.

My parents spend their summers at The Establishment North. They are only a five hour drive from my mom’s mom in Philadelphia. Actually, my mom’s entire family lives within one square mile of each other right outside the city. Which is perhaps the main reason she fled to Florida with The Captain right after they got married... Anyhow, Mom hardly gets to see my grandmother. Well, one of Mom’s cousins from Philly sent her a wedding invitation for a ceremony to be held this past weekend. The Captain wasn’t interested in making the trip, and suggested that Mom go down on the train for the weekend while he and the dog took care of the ranch.

So my mom kissed my dad and the dog goodbye and boarded a train for Philadelphia this past Friday afternoon. The wedding was not until Sunday, but she wanted to spend an extra day with my grandma. They were having a very good time together down there shopping, cooking and catching up.

But back at the ranch… The Captain was having a rough go of it with the dog. Katie the Wonder Doberman was upset. Katie loves my mom and she always gets a little nervous when Mom is not around. Usually The Rockette or I are there, so it’s not too bad – but when we aren’t there, The Captian has to call for reinforcements. In Florida he calls our friend Bernice - the dog is still not happy, but she loves Bernice so it’s OK. But this time, he and Katie were in Vermont so The Captain had to get a little creative.

Friday night, mom has been gone 5 hours and Katie was just whining and wandering aimlessly around the house. She wouldn’t go outside and she wasn’t eating. Saturday morning came and it was the same story. The Captain tried taking her to McDonald’s for breakfast (Katie loves McDonald’s). But it didn’t work. Then he brings her to our neighbors to play with their dogs, but there was still no change in behavior from Katie. She just wouldn’t do anything. He took her back home, where all she did was whine and wander a circle around the downstairs of the house, walking through the kitchen, hallway, living room, dining room and kitchen again.

By late Sunday morning, she still hadn’t eaten and had wandered that downstairs circle for another two hours. Well, this really freaked The Captain out. He thought Katie was going to have a nervous breakdown and was afraid she might die on him. It was either this fear or the fact that he REALLY did not want to deal with her anymore that led him to put the dog in the car and DRIVE FIVE HOURS to Philadelphia so that she could be reunited with Mom.

As soon as Katie saw mom, she was just fine. Mom and Grandma were a bit surprised to see The Captain at the door with the dog, and then he explained why he was there. Us kiddies were never as bad as that! Talk about separation anxiety!

Ah... just another example of why we call her CRAZY KATIE.