Family Traditions We Could Do Without
Rockette's Suburban got stolen!! Very uncool. She called me three times on Monday, hoping and praying that I had taken it from her parking garage. But alas, I had not, some thug had whisked it away. I wish I had been in town to split a great bottle of wine or some carrot cake with her, like Car Guy and I did when MY suburban was stolen.
Of course when it rains, it POURS. Rockette called me this morning and tells me she was laid off! At least she's OK financially for a little while. She was thinking of taking a month or two anyhow in the fall to finish her thesis, now the timeline is just a little accelerated. Selfish me hopes that she won't have to move away - but I think she really doesn't want to do that.
So stuff happens to me, then happens to her. Hey, at least we've got our health. And each other. I do have the best sister in the world.