Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Last night Mr. Blueberry Pancakes and I went to the tri-club end-of-season 5K time trial run. We drove separately since I was coming straight from work. After the run, Mr. BP wanted me to follow him home on some new "secret" route home, so he was waiting for me to get in my car. Good thing he waited, because my key would not unlock my car door! I had put the clicker (and my phone and everything else) inside the car and just taken the key on the run. The key used to unlock the door, but I had the door handle replaced and apparently that rendered the key useless for the door! :(

And of course when you lock yourself out of your car, you have to have something else happen to make life more interesting. So it started raining.

It was a definite bonus that Marito had waited for me, because his car was available for shelter and he had a AAA card and his cell phone with him. We called AAA, but his phone was low on battery and actually died in the middle of the conversation. So, now we had to find a pay phone... would you believe we found 2?

Before you ask - we were in the parking lot of a park. It's an OK park during daylight hours, but after dark (which it was when this happened) it's a whole different scary place. We were not about to ask any of the other people in the park if we could make a call on their cell phone, as we were *pretty sure* all cell phones were being used for illegal activities...

So... back to the existence of the two pay phones. Well, one had a dial tone but the buttons did not work for dialing. So a hundred yards over, there was another phone which DID have both a dial tone and working phone keys. We got back in touch with AAA, gave them very detailed descriptions of where the car was because it was dark and we had no cell phone they could contact us at to help direct whoever was dispatched. They told us it would be 15-60 minutes and to look out for a guy in a white truck. Easy enough (we hoped).

We were a hungry mess at this point, and didn't want to eat McDonald's so we drove around the little shopping plaza and saw a Subway. Fine. Well right next to the Subway was a Chinese restaurant! We decided to get takeout and head back to the park. Just our luck the guy would show up while we were waiting for our food, but the restaurant was FAST and our dinner was out in 5 minutes. We went back to the park and parked next to my car, where we started enjoying the most delicious Chinese food ever! The egg rolls were made just like they are at my favorite place back home! Mr. BP and I had just gotten through said delectable egg rolls and the equally delectable wonton soup, when up rolled the white truck!

That guy was a pro. He had my car opened in 2 minutes flat, no scratches, no damage to anything at all. Thank you, AAA, and thank you, Parent-In-Laws for AAA membership. It paid for itself last night. :) Marito and I finished our dinner in his car and then took our separate vehicles back to our house, via his new secret route (which was very awesome!)

So. Was I locked out of the car in the rain in a scary area of a park with a bunch of weirdos lurking around last night, or was I enjoying a lovely romantic Chinese dinner date with Husband Of The Year? :)


By the way, the Chinese place was The China Cafe, at 20th and Sheridan near the Target.


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