Friday, February 16, 2018

you think you have time

Be kind. Drink the good champagne. Drink it all while you are laughing with your friends or your family or whoever matters most to you on this earth. Plan a trip, just pick a destination and a time and put it on the calendar and go.

Call your mom. Even if you're sad, she wants to hear from you and tell you she loves you. She has always loved you, in only the way she knew to show you. Remember, at one time, you were her greatest wish.

Forgive. Forgive the woman in front of you trying to use every last coupon printed this year. Forgive her for trying to convince the cashier to honor the expired 5-for-5 coupon for her Ramen noodles. Smile at her daughter while your precious, precious time is spent here in line with strangers. Forgive your parents. They were doing the best they knew how. Forgive yourself. You're doing the best you can, too. We can do anything, but not everything.

Smile. Say hello and good morning. It may be the only nice thing someone hears all day. Say it to yourself, too. Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night.

Wake up and try again. Every sunrise is a beautiful new beginning to the monotony of life - what a dazzling display to kick it off.

Phone a friend. Again, you think you have time. You think they have time. It's a blink. Reach out.

Let the dog up on the couch or the bed. Statistically, they have even less time than you do. What are they here for, other than to be showered with pets and love? Spoil them.

When it all gets to be too much, go do something you love. Anything. Something out there gives you joy, seek it and do it, even if only for half an hour.

Take care of your body. It has to last you a lifetime. Treat it well, feed it well, move it well, rest it well. And don't neglect your teeth and gums.

Stop beating yourself up. Let it go (let go or be dragged). You're perfect. You're a perfect human, and the thing that unites all humans is we are flawed. Know your flaws, work to improve them but stop dwelling or ruminating on them. Again, you think you have time, but I assure you, time beating yourself up is WASTED time. Fix your mistake, try harder next time, and continue to pedal along in this peloton of humanity.

Love. Just go love. Give love. Be love. Love your neighbor, even if they take it for granted you shovel their sidewalk and take out their trash. Love your coworker who tries to submarine you. Love the weird guy you see every day on your way to work, and the man asking for change on the corner. Love the person who hurts you. It is easy to love a saint and the people who bring you joy - find ways to love those who can do nothing for you, or who make your life difficult. If it makes you uncomfortable to think of a way to love the homeless man you pass every day, LEAN IN to that, as Sheryl Sandberg would say. Bring him some socks. A gift card to McDonald's, or go volunteer at the shelter. Be love. Love the sinners, not just the saints.

You think you have time.... drink up, my friends. Cheers.


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