Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I wish I had come up with this

But alas, I can't take the credit. Leave it to my friend the Snowman to construct the following:

"Obama ALSO awarded Nobel prize for physics. 'It's not necessarily that he actually did anything for science, but we saw those pics of him on the beach in Hawaii, and we unanimously decided that physically, he's a good role model.'"

I'm not saying The O is a bad guy or that SOMEDAY he won't have done work deserving of the Nobel Peace prize. All I'm saying is that if the Norwegians are going to give away the Nobel peace prize to an international celebrity after just 9 months of being on the radar it kinda negates the honor and prestige of the award.

Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa... these I understand. Obama? Really? What exactly did he DO!?!?


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